Grooming Services
Bath and Brush Out:
Warm hydro massage
Premium shampoo and conditioner
Fluff out blow dry
Brush out
Nail trim or File
Ear cleaning
Sanitary trim
Bow or Bandana
Starting at $75
Bath and Full Haircut:
Warm hydro massage
Premium shampoo and conditioner
Fluff out blow dry
Brush out
Nail trim or File
Ear cleaning
Sanitary trim
Full body haircut
Bow or Bandana
Starting at $110
Additional Services:
(Prices are in addition to grooming pricing)
Teeth Brushing $5
Helps to maintain fresh breath and reduce tartar build up.
Dead Sea Mineral Mud Bath $10
Deep conditions, removes impurities, exfoliates skin and coat.
Flea and Tick Treatment $25
Kills fleas and ticks using specialty shampoo
De-Skunking $25
Helps to reduce and neutralize odors caused by skunking.
De-Shed Treatment $20
Helps to reduce shedding and remove loose undercoat
*Pricing varies based on breed, size, condition of coat, temperament, and type of haircut.